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Fractional Sales Executives

A Cash-flow sensitive alternative to hiring sales teams.
About to hire a sales rep because you're TOO busy doing all the selling?
Not sure if you want to spend the time managing them?
Don’t have the skills to manage them?
The truth is hiring sales people and especially sales executives may or may not be in your comfort zone. The risk is high and so is the cash outlay so why not ease into it by leveraging our cash flow sensitive alternative – fractional sales. Here are some of the pitfalls of doing it all yourself…

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The Sales Pitfalls
To Avoid

Reps are Not Talking to Customers
If you’re lucky your sales people spend two hours per day on the phone or visiting customers / prospects. The rest of the time they are doing admin or other work. If you haven’t nailed down your sales process, then you have a very expensive resource doing low cost work and they are not talking to revenue generating customers.
Reps are doing two Jobs
If you are asking your sales people to wear the marketing and sales hats, your revenue will be waning. These are two completely different skills sets and only a rare individual can do both. If you are asking your sales team to do both marketing and sales, they will spend all their time on marketing (because they need to learn it) and less time selling. This is expensive!
Reps are building strategy and expected to close business
Good Sales people are coin operated, meaning you pay them a good commission and they close business. Building a strategy is not in their skill set and as a result they will spend their time building the strategy and not selling. This is very costly.
Junior Reps doing Senior work
Hiring someone straight out of school, giving them a phone, and then expecting them to deliver revenue is a great way to burn cash. They just don’t have the skills. You must train them.
Reps are selling without a process
Your sales team simply wants to talk to prospects and get orders. If they have to package the products, resolve customer service issues, invoice the client, or deliver your services, then they are not talking to customers. How much is this costing you?

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